Sunday, August 24, 2008

The Plagues and Exodus of Egypt Part 1

From Simcha Jacobovici's documentary "Exodus Decoded"
This interesting documentary gives a geological and scientific explanation to the Plagues of Egypt and the Exodus of the Jews.

Even if there is a scientific explanation to the Plagues, this should not weaken, but strengthen our faith. Scientific discoveries strengthen our faith because science and religion are not at odds with each other. After all, GOD is certainly the Grand Scientist.

GOD warned Moses in advance what would happen, and Moses in turn gave Clear Warning. In no way could Moses, or the people of the time, understand what was happening. To be forewarned was miraculous in itself.

And of course, God uses nature in His Divine Judgements...such as He did in the Flood of Noah's Day.

Peace to all of you,
Sister Becca

Thank you very much sister Becca for making these videos available. If there was ever such a time to make Yahweh's provision of Shemot known; it is for such a time as this.

Recognizing that Yahweh is the Elohim of order, we can be certain of His working within scientific boundaries. Boundaries that He created to be observed.

If it was a volcano that precipitated the events of the book of Exodus, so be it. Although I must admit that the 10th plague is a 'hard-sell' I am willing to suspend my disbelief in a purely natural explanation.

Does this make me a fundamentalist? I pray not. At least not in the way that has become associated with north American evangelical Constantinian Christianity!

My faith allows me to accept the natural outworking of Yahweh's plan of salvation. That this could be accomplished via natural disasters does not weaken my faith but only serves to strengthen it.

By this I mean to say, The One who created heaven(s) and earth is certainly able to control His creation -by whatever means necessary- to bring about His desire.

My sincere hope is that those who watch these videos will appreciate the almighty foresight that brought these events (so described) together.

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