The Hebrew prophet Amos said that many of the religious practices we hold dear… such as solemn assemblies, uplifted hands, singing of hymns and yes… blood sacrifices, et al, are an abomination to God.
Why then is the blood sacrifice of Jesus Christ so powerful? – and make no mistake about it – the blood (life) of Jesus Christ is the ultimate weapon in spiritual warfare!
Christian theology has it that God demanded the ultimate sacrifice for our disgusting sinfulness. An interesting fact begins to emerge when we take just a cursory look at the third book in the Bible, i.e., Leviticus. You read it and tell me if it doesn’t at least appear possible that what God was saying is, “Hey, if you insist on sacrifice then do it properly.”
In other words, it appears more than just possible that God didn’t so much as institute the practice as He did correct it.
If you think the foregoing is a bit of a stretch… why not take a look a something quite fundamental to Christian theology. That is, that animal sacrifice was instituted by God when he clothed Adam and Eve with animal skins. That little bit of doctrine deduced from the very short twenty-first verse of the third chapter of Genesis. Read it for yourself.
Lest you believe I am demeaning the sacrifice and shed blood of Jesus Christ… I want you to take a deep breath and see something… really see it, perhaps for the first time.
What the One that died for you before the foundation of the world might have said… (and I for one happen to believe that he did) – “Okay, since you insist upon a sacrifice… I am going to give you a sacrifice to end all sacrifices. I am going to die for you!” <--Look, its even red letter edition! Now personalize this… Jesus died for me because I insisted upon a sacrifice! God didn’t insist upon a blood sacrifice -- I insisted upon it… In other words, Jesus didn’t just die for me… he died because I insisted upon a sacrifice. Now I have a perfect example of infinite, indescribable love. Now read Hebrews 10:19 with understanding… “Therefore, brethren, having boldness to enter the Holiest by the blood of Jesus.” Do you see it? We not only have the Sacrifice himself for a High Priest… we have The Priest who gave his own life for us… why?
Because we demanded it! And still continue to do so.
Now, perhaps we can understand Amos’ words… away with all of your puny religious silliness – it is an abomination to me! Now, perhaps we can understand Hebrews 10:12 “But this Man, after He had offered one sacrifice for sins forever, sat down at the right hand of God.” Yes… the sacrifice to end all sacrifices. “Away with your sacrifices!” "Go and learn mercy!"
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